$1 Adoption

Friday, December 7, 2012


Sitting here on the bed and watching my son sleep reminds me of the greatest part of the last three weeks here in the D.R.Congo... Time with my son.
Getting to know him has had its challenges but has been a joy and treasure I know is unique and I will never have again. Especially when I get him home to those sisters of his, I may never even see him again! But when I think of the craziness of  life and how hard it is to squeeze in dates for the kids and quality time, how blessed am I to be here with him, as challenging as it has turned out to be(see earlier posts) and as much  I  desperately miss Kate, Ava, Leora, Ellis Mae and Violet, (see earlier posts) and even with the lack of hot water (see earlier posts). This time with Moses Blessing Jones has been one of the coolest things I have ever been able to do.

A recent stat says that there are nearly 150 million orphans in the world, that number has been rolling around in my head since I left the States (don't worry Kate, I won't get any ideas). It is a hard number to fathom. But being here in Africa again, I see the deep pain of hunger, poverty and disease. The injustice of those in authority toward those who are powerless and my heart aches.
Several days ago while coming home from the market, a very thin, malnourished woman tried to stop me, but unlike most who are selling something or asking for money, she pointed at Moses, who was in my arms and then she tried to hand me her little son. After several attempts and many words in Lingala, i realized that she was trying to GIVE me her son. To take home.
He was naked from the waist down, with the distended belly and sores and skinny as a rail. I was so shocked and moved i couldn't even speak to say "no, I'm so sorry" or whatever might have seemed appropriate... I could hardly breath as I walked away from her and her saddness at my refusal. There are so many things I could say about this but words seem weak.  Sorry, I know it's not the humorous post you are used to reading from me (see earlier posts) and I know its almost Christmas (so I heard!) and we don't like to hear this kind of stuff, but it's real and it just actually happened to me.
I prayed for that little boy tonight, he was about Moses' age, and if I see them again I am getting them  some food.  But then what?
That experience  made me so grateful to be here bringing my son home, to have a place where my kids can safely sleep, food to feed them well everyday and that they never feel the awful pain of real hunger.
Whatever and whoever Almighty God has blessed you with in your life, be thankful and demonstrate your thankfulness with your life.

More posts to follow... I will try to rustle up some humor for you next time.

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