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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Rock in hand will kill two in the bush!

It's been a little bit since I blogged so here it is!
I thought i had shared this but i guess not.... We were out on one of our walks around the compound when I spotted two of the littlest, prettiest finches I have ever seen! In a city of lizards, mosquitoes and magpies it was a welcomed sight. They were a bright blue and really cute.  I pointed them out to my boy... Who, without a second thought, picked up a rock and chucked it at them!
Yep! All boy!
our visas were delayed yesterday until today at three... When they did actually materialize finally.  Great news! Now, in order tobret Out of here by this weekend I have to get our exit letter from the DRC authorities, and it would be pushing it to get done, but it CAN happen, so that's what I am praying for.

Wild rain storm this morning that cleared out for a day in the high twenties... Really pretty nice and less mosquitoes today it seems.... Tho they are probably on some crazy hatching cycle and will be out in full force by tonight! I fear the DRC has damaged my typically optimistic attitude!
Another couple arrived last night and got their child today, reminding me that I have officially had Blessing for two weeks today! He is doing really awesome, I think. Progress every day.  Found the Jib Jab Books on the iPad which was a godsend! I plugged his picture into it and suddenly there he was in a story about truck! His dream come true really! He has started wanting me to read all of the books I brought which is great. He had know nearest in them til a day or so ago. He talked to Kate and the girls via FaceTime last night.  A big step. He has not quite been sure about FaceTime or this magical Mommy I keep talking about until the last few days. I can't wait for him to meet her and his amazing sisters in the flesh!  What a bunch they will be!
Ate at the Swiss/French restaurant again last nite (cheaper than the dining hall here) and the owner shared with us some of the wild and scary things he has experienced here in the DRC. Man, just when you're starting to feel pretty safe somewhere this guy has to go and tell you the truth! Dang!
That's it in a nutshell!
We walk a lot, read a lot, when he naps I read and study and clean up. It feels like its almost night time then I look at my watch and it's only 10:30am! Time feels like it stands nearly still most of the day!

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