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Monday, November 26, 2012

Washing Taxis in the Rain

Today we were walking around the compound (we do a lot of that) when we noticed a taxi/van driver outside washing his vehicle... In the pouring rain! What a picture! Much of the Congo is like that really... No hot water in most of a super-hot country that sits on the Equator... Imported fruits/veggies in one of the most fertile places in the world... and washing taxis in the pouring rain.  But my favorite dichotomy yet has been the interview on the African version of MTV where a singing duo challenged viewers (in english) to embrace and take pride in being African, an interview they followed up with a music video where they sing a love song in English and woo the heart of a Caucasian lady. Classic.
I am attaching a few pics from the balcony just outside our room. I am super thankful for the space because when I opened the blinds to let the sun in, I discovered that our "window" looks into the hallway! So thank God for this balcony or I know one little claustrophobic boy (and his son!) who might go nuts! So pics from the balcony, as you can see, we have a Jesus here too, just not pink!  I couldn't get Pink Jesus pics to upload so you will have to wait til I return and I will do a special follow up post.
Blessing (we are still using his name because it is already tough communicating and we have bigger fish to fry for now!) has discovered socks! I finally gave them to him, mainly because we can have our laundry done here! Mock me if you will, but I hate doing laundry in the states where we have a super-nice, super- large capacity washer and dryer, so imagine my disdain for it when I have to do it by hand...with cold water... In our shower! Yes, socks had to wait til today for sure. Because I'm dad and I say so.  Some loves socks! Mainly because the "go with" shoes. And this boy loves himself some shoes! He is already like me in so many ways, it's scary!
I have met a bunch of families here at this house, many have been here for weeks and some a month... Ackkk! No bueno!
I will post news from the embassy later today, thanks for praying!

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