$1 Adoption

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving America!

I feel blessed today to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave (especially since I'm not there now!) and I can't wait to bring my son home and raise him in our great country! Spending Thanksgiving Day in a nation like the Congo is an effective way to restore my thankfulness for all of the freedom , blessing and opportunity we know in the USA.

Anywho, Moses is making good progress and our meeting at the embassy went well... All 60 seconds of it! It's amazing that you can fill out paperwork, wait for two years, fly for two days all to have them ask you THREE QUESTIONS then send you on your way! Joking and frustration aside he was really nice and said he was going to try to wrap this up as quickly as he could. So now they do an investigation of sorts into the area where he was found, make sure its all ok, then issue him a visa and then we have to get our travel docs to leave from the DRC. That's where it's at. It feels slow but I know I am not the only case that is happening. On a side note, ten (10) French couples arrived yesterday as a group and brought all of their newly adopted kids to the guesthouse! Some 15 kids or so. It was pandemonium until they realized that these rooms are a bit tight for four or five ppl each so... They all just moved out to a hotel! 
I know some have mentioned the unrest and military action here in DRC. I can say that it is happening in the eastern part of the country and that I feel quite safe here. We are located in the same area as the embassy's in Kinshasa so they have increased police here. Police or no police, We are under God's protection so I am trusting Him. The Congo is a nation in change and transition, from poverty and dependence on leaders to individual success and freedoms. These transitions come slowly and can be messy. We are as safe at present as we can be in the DRC, but I am not longing to stay any longer than I have to! Besides the whole "safety thing" i could really use a hot shower! Actually i would settle for luke warm! Thanks for your prayers for continued safety and a speedy end to our stay here, I wish each of you a Happy Thanksgiving.


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